Dr. Klaus Dienelt, 2009

The standstill clause

Effect of the standstill clause

Visa exemption for service providers and recipients

Freedom of services

The relationship between association legislation and EU visa regulations

National entry legislation for Germany in 1973


The obligation for self-employed individuals to obtain a visa

The obligation for family members to obtain a visa




  1. Introduction

  2. Organised crime

  3. Irregular migration flows

  4. Regular migrations flows

Conclusion and recommendations

I. General Information

II. Prerequisites

1. The aim of the applicant’s (au-pair’s) stay
2. German language skills
3. Requirements for the host family
4. Duration of the au-pair’s stay
5. Age of the au-pair
6. The Au-pair’s responsibilities
7. Contents of the au-pair contract

III. Summary

To reside in Germany legally, foreigners must qualify for what the German authorities call a residence title (Aufenthaltstitel), which can either be a temporary residence permit or a permanent settlement permit. In order to be issued either type of permit, foreigners must be able to secure their livelihoods in Germany; in other words, they must be able to guarantee that they can support themselves financially.

Dr. Rolf Gutmann, Stuttgart

  1. The sentence in the case of Tum and Dari

  2. The regulations to be used

  3. Responsibilities of the member states

  4. Standstill and freedom of establishment for Turks in Germany

  5. Standstill for self-employment - active freedom to provide services

  6. Continuity of freedom of crossing borders

  7. Earlier freedom of work without labour permit

  8. Passive freedom to provide services

  9. standstill for workers

  10. Expulsion protection an standstill

  11. Family reunion

  12. Students


By Kees Groenendijk and Elspeth Guild, March 2010

  1. Introduction

  2. Soysal Case and Judgement

  3. Relevant International Agreements on Visa Freedom

  4. Follow Up of Soysal in Eleven Member States